NPO General Meeting Held / NPO総会(そうかい)を開(ひら)きました

6月2日にかけはし都筑(つづき)で第(だい)5回(かい)総会(そうかい)を開(ひら)きました。正会員(せいかいいん)と賛助会員(さんじょかいいん)が集(あつ)まって、代表理事(だいひょうりじ)のKeiko Misaka が2023年度(ねんど)の報告(ほうこく)と2024年度の計画(けいかく)を話(はな)しました。
写真(しゃしん):アンドリュー ウールナー
On June 2, SCC held the 5th general meeting at Kakehashi Tsuzuki.Full members and supporting members gathered for the meeting, where Keiko Misaka, the representative director, reported on the fiscal year 2023 and plans for fiscal year 2024.In FY 2023, SCC received many donations from supporters and companies. Grants accounted for 37.1% of our total income, donations 31.8%, business income 25.2%, and membership dues 5.9%. We will do our best to collect various funds and continue our projects in 2024.
After questions from the members, we played a game called “Find your Pair” in which each person put a word on each back and walked around to pair up, like a word pair knife and fork. Once all paired up, the participants worked together to create a unique handshake. The pairs presented the handshakes, and we had a vote to pick the most unique creation. Afterward, the members were divided into groups and drew their ideas freely on paper under the theme of “What do you expect SCC to be in the next five years?” We look forward to your continued support in 2024!
photo by Andrew Woolner