I want to become more active in my community, regardless of my nationality and Japanese language skills.
NPO法人Sharing Caring Cultureの活動に寄付するDonate to SCC Activities
ご寄付 1口:3,000円から
銀行名 楽天銀行
第三営業支店(支店番号 253)
口座番号 普通 7158207
口座名義人 NPO法人Sharing Caring Culture
クレジットカードPay Palでのご寄付も可能です。
■ Donate to SCC activities
We promote multicultural understanding in the community so that all children can grow up in a multicultural environment filled with diverse values. But we are currently operating on a very tight budget. Please help us in creating a multicultural environment by donating to our cause. Your support will bring us one step closer to achieving a diverse society at the local level! We greatly appreciate your kind support!
Donation: starting from 3,000 yen
If you would like to donate by credit card or bank transfer, please click on the URL for the Syncable donation platform below and press the “Donate” button.
If you would like to donate by cash, please email us via CONTACT.
ボランティアとして関わるGet Involved as a Volunteer
◯ ファミリーイベント ボランティア
◯ 子ども多文化交流事業 ボランティア
◯ OYACO 子育てレファレンス冊子 ボランティア
■ Get involved as a volunteer
We are looking for local residents willing to support SCC activities as volunteers. Please help us nurture children who understand multiculturalism, respect diversity, and support foreign families raising their children.
◯ Family Event Volunteer: Event operation support for weekend family events and seasonal events such as Halloween and Easter.
◯ Children’s Intercultural Exchange Program Volunteer: Support for event operation of world cuisines and multilingual storytime. Assistance with public relations, including distribution of flyers.
◯ OYACO Childcare Reference Booklet Volunteer: Support for editing, manuscript production, translation, and booklet distribution
プロジェクトメンバーになる Become a Project Member
- 国籍にかかわらず交流を深める機会をつくること
- 文化の多様性を理解し、違いを受容すること
- 地域の問題を共有し、共に解決策に取り組むこと
■ Become a project member
We are working on projects to promote multiculturalism and inclusion, including childcare support to international families. Through our projects, we wish to create opportunities for local residents to:
・Deepen exchanges and connections regardless of nationality
・Understand cultural diversity and accept differences
・Share problems in the community and work together to find solutions
Let’s utilize our skills and abilities to make a difference in Japanese society!
Join the SCC community
An SCC Fellow engages in SCC activities as an administrative member, supporter, or event participant. There are three types of membership, according to the level of commitment:
・Full Member Individuals that agree to promote the objectives of SCC as a *votable member who actively takes part in the administration of SCC. A full member will pay an annual membership fee of 5,000 yen, and will be able to take part in paid activities such as management, and planning and organizing of projects.
*Full members are eligible to vote at our annual General Meeting held at the end of the fiscal year
・Team Member Individuals that agree to support the objectives of SCC and participate in a project or event as an operational staff or supporter. Those who wish to participate in paid activities must pay an annual membership fee of 3,000 yen. For those who wish to only participate in volunteer activities, there is no annual membership fee.
・VolunteerIndividuals who mainly assist in projects or events as a volunteer. No annual membership fee is required.
How to become a SCC fellow
- Full Member We appreciate your interest in becoming a full member, but we would like to ask you to join our events a couple of times to see what our organization is all about! Please get in touch with the executive director to become a full member.
- Team Member Submit the SCC Fellow Registration form and pay the annual membership fee of ¥3,000.
- Volunteer Contact us via our contact form on this website to be a volunteer. The admin will send a reply to your email address accordingly.