We made a Tanabata windsock on June 24th! Windsock is said to have the meaning of wishing for improvement in sewing and weaving.
Tanabata, famous for the story of Orihime and Hikoboshi, was a mixed culture of Japanese and Chinese customs and traditions.
Do you know that the five-colored strips displayed on Tanabata are derived from the Chinese Ying-Yang Five Elements theory?The colors used in the strips have the following meanings.
⭐︎Blue and green strips: “trees” that represent nature
⭐︎Red strip: “Fire” that expresses flames
⭐︎Yellow strip: “Soil” which is a symbol of the earth
⭐︎White strip: “Gold” indicating the metal buried in the earth
⭐︎Black and purple strips: “water” that shows the nurturing of life
And here’s the famous Tanabata Festivals list in multiple languages.
Have fun fantastic atmosphere of the annual Tanabata!
⭐︎青(あお)と緑(みどり)の短冊(たんざく) :自然(しぜん)をあらわす「木(き)」
⭐︎赤(あか)い帯(おび): 炎(ほのお)をあらわす「火(ひ)」
⭐︎黄色(きいろ)の帯(おび): 大地(だいち)をあらわす「土(つち)」
⭐︎白(しろ)い帯(おび): 大地(だいち)に埋(う)もれた金属(きんぞく)をあらわす「金(きん)」
⭐︎黒(くろ)と紫(むらさき)の帯(おび): 生命(せいめい)を育(はぐく)む 「水(みず)」