OYACO playgroup Halloween おやこ・プレイグループ ハロウィン

We had our monthly OYACO playgroup session with a theme of Halloween!
Kids of different ages enjoyed the panel theater of what ghosts like to eat and listened to the story of Go Away Green Monster.
After having that quiet time, we had a cup ghost game. We threw balls toward the ghost cups and successfully scared them away!
Lastly, it was time for our annual mini Trick or Treat Parade, and we walked throughout the facility while singing Treat or Trick. Children got baby and infant-friendly cookies at the first station and moved to another station to get different treats. The last station was a game to pick up “scary” hands with some snacks inside!
At the end of the session, SCC partner company HelloWorld Cultural Exchange Program staff introduced their homestay program. Thank you very much for all of your support! You made our session run so much more smoothly.
Check out the video.