8月(がつ)5日(にち)のクリエイティブ マンデーズでは、マンダラや夏(なつ)らしい絵(え)のぬり絵(え)をしました。スペイン、フィリピン、インドネシア、シンガポール、インドの親子(おやこ)が参加(さんか)しました。
子(こ)どもたちは、ぬり絵(え)をしたり、体(からだ)を使(つか)った遊(あそ)びをして楽(たの)しみました。自分(じぶん)で描(か)いた絵(え)に色(いろ)をぬってオリジナルのアート作品(さくひん)を作(つく)った子(こ) どももいました。虫(むし)が大好(だいす)きな男(おとこ)の子(こ)は、虫(むし)の本(ほん)を持(も)ってきて、周(まわ)りの子(こ)どもたちに虫(むし)の話(はなし)をたくさんしていました。銀河系(ぎんがけい)に詳(くわ)しい男(おとこ)の子(こ)は、銀河系(ぎんがけい)の絵(え)を描(か)いて説明(せつめい)をしていました。
On August 5th, we hosted a Creative Mondays session where we enjoyed Mandala and summer coloring.
For this session, we had families who are from countries such as Spain, India, Indonesia, Singapore, and the Philippines.
Parents enjoyed coloring while also talking together and sharing their favorite ways to spend summer holidays and local food they like to eat in their countries. In Spain, most people spend their day at the beautiful beaches which Spain is known for. As for food people in Indonesia eat Nasi Goreng for breakfast which was a culture shock for us.
Children also enjoyed coloring and interacting with each other physically. Some children made their own original artwork that they drew and colored. Others talked about their ambitions and what they learned from books they read. One boy brought his book about insects and taught us many fun facts about insects, while another boy drew a picture of Solar System and explained to us about it.
In this Creative Mondays session, we were once again able to enjoy spending time with each other, both parents and children, despite the age difference and having different backgrounds.