9月11日、sccと子育て支援拠点・ポポラは、小さな子供を育てるママたちのためのナイジェリア特別ワークショップをしました。ワークショップでは、 ナイジェリア流の巻き布を使った抱っこの仕方を紹介しました。ナイジェリア出身のウワさんは、最初にナイジェリアの人々、食べ物、文化について紹介しました。ナイジェリアでは500もの言葉が話されていることを知っていますか?でも安心してください。公用語は英語です。ナイジェリアの有名な料理はジョロフライス(スパイスで炊いたトマトライス)で、ナイジェリア人は「Naija No Dey Carry Last(ナイヤ・ノー・デイ・キャリー・ラスト)」「あきらめない」という意味の言葉を使うそうで、いつも前向きです。
On September 11th, SCC and Childcare Support Center Popola hosted a special Nigerian workshop for mommies with young children. The workshop introduced the Nigerian way of carrying your child using the wrapper cloth. Our instructor from Nigeria, Ms. Uwa began the workshop by introducing Nigeria, its people, food and culture. Did you know that there are 500 languages spoken in Nigeria? But not to worry, English is the official language. Nigeria’s popular dish is Jollof Rice (tomato rice cooked with spices) and Nigerians are always positive with the words ‘Naija No Dey Carry Last’ which means ‘never give up!’.
Ms. Uwa demonstrated how to use the wrapper cloth to carry a child on her back. All the participants chose one wrapper cloth and followed her steps, carefully carrying a baby doll for practice. Everyone was helping each other, making sure the wrapper cloth was firmly wrapped around their body. After practicing with the baby doll, one by one, everyone started to carry their own child with the wrapper cloth.
One participant mentioned that she was surprised that her child was so calm and happy in the wrapper cloth. Another participant mentioned that the wrapper cloth is easier to bring around when traveling instead of the baby carrier. Another participant was so in love with the design and wanted to know where she could buy the wrapper cloth. It is heartwarming to see everyone chatting while carrying their child… a small Nigerian mommy club! The session ended with smiles and laughter.
check out the video