2022-10-22 - 2022-10-22


  • Start Date 2022-10-22 9:20am
  • End Date: 2022-10-22
  • Cost: ¥200
  • Event Category: Outdoor event


  • Matthew, Risa

Enjoy discovering nature in Kodomo-no-kuni. Walk around Kodomo-no-kuni and have fun with nature. Let’s learn about trees, plants, insects, birds and water life. We’ll also explore the hidden parts of Kodomo-no-kuni!
Autumn is here so please join together with SCC members, friends and family. It’s a great chance to relax and meet new people, while enjoying the fresh air. Bring lunch and picnic sheets.

こどもの国(くに)は、自然(しぜん)が たくさん あります。


【Date&Time 日時にちじ】Saturday, 22nd October,  10月22日(土)9:20~

【Venue 場所ばしょ】Kodomo-no-kuni こどもの国
【Facilitators】Matthew, Risa
【Participation Fee 参加費さんかひ】¥200 per family plus entry fee ¥200と入場料(にゅうじょうりょう)

【Capacity 人数にんずう】15Families 15家族(かぞく)

【Sign-up from here申し込み】Click the URL and fill out the form for booking.

