How to educate your children at home, even if they go to school.
If you’re interested in “Home-schooling”, this seminar will be valuable for you.
The Covid-19 pandemic has been a sudden challenge to our way of life. It’s been a particular challenge to schools. People are starting to ask more questions about how we are living, and how you can (or must!) live in the future.
You’ve been told:
“Of course, we have to live this way. This is how we’ve always lived. There is no other way that works.”
“Children must go to school every day or society will just break apart.”
“Parents can’t educate children, only professional teachers can.”
“Children can’t be educated at home, they must be educated at school.”
“Children can’t choose how they learn, when they learn or what they learn.”
“Everyone must follow the same curriculum and use the same textbooks. There’s no choice. ….
However, you may have gotten a new perspective for these things in this transition period before/ after Covid-19. And you may even be having the feeling that things can, and must, change.
Home-schooling might be one of the new options that we may have in near future in Japan. But how do you get started? How do you find support and resources?
At this seminar you’ll get clear, practical advice on home education. You’ll be able to ask any questions you want because this is a relaxed, small event.
You’ll also discover how to get all the resources and materials you want, without spending lots of money. In fact, many of the best resources are completely free.
About the session facilitator:
Matthew Dons will share his experiences of home-educating his 11-year old son and 6-year old daughter in Machida. Here are a few of the things he’ll explain:
Why did he start home-education?
How has it affected him and his family?
What are the challenges he’s faced?
What criticism and support has he received?
What have been the biggest benefits of home education.
– Date; 20/June (Sat)
– Time: 1:30:3:30pm
– Venue: Seminar room #3, Art forum Azamino
– Fee: 1,500yen
– Registration: Email to
– “With Corona”: The room accommodates 30 people, but we limit to 15 participants to keep social distance. Also, we kindly ask you to put your mask during the session. Babysitting service is not available. The health and safety of participants are our first priority. We would appreciate your understanding very much in advance.)
ファシリテーター Matthew Donsは日本在住です。彼の11歳の息子と6歳の娘のホームスクールの実体験を共有します。例えばこのようなことをお話しします。
– 開催日; 20/June (Sat)
– 時間: 1:30:3:30pm
– 場所: アートフォーラムあざみ野、セミナールーム3
– 参加費: 1,500円
– メール申し込み: mayumimatsuda71@gmail.comまで
– “ウィズコロナ”: イベントは30人用のお部屋で実施しますが、ソーシャルディスタンスを考慮して、参加者は15名までとさせていただきます。またイベント中はマスクの着用をお願いいたします。今回はベビーシッターサービスがございません。皆様のご理解・ご協力をよろしくお願いいたします。