SCC supports the implementation of the event planned and organized by the local Jr. and Highschool volunteer students on August 5th.
This event aims to promote the interactions among the people living in Tsuzuki by offering intercultural and fun activities.Anyone can participate, so please come along with your family! SCC member, Matthew will run a programming workshop with his son, and our Indian and Malaysian members will support craft corner and story time with students.
■Date&Time日時にちじ: Thu. August 5th 10:30am-14:00pm 8月5日(木)
■Fee おかね: Free of charge ¥0 無料むりょう
■Venue場所ばしょ: Nakamachi dai Chiku Center 仲町台地区センター
■ No booking required 予約(よやく)をしなくてもいいです
■ What to bring 持ち物(もちもの): Indoor gym shoes, a bag to put your outdoor shoes in
■Inquiry問い合わせ(といあわせ): Tsuzuki MY plaza 都筑マイプラザ
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