Don’t miss our Kids Yoga in English!
Yoga is not just for adults! In fact, it can have a positive impact on children’s well-being. The breathing exercises and relaxation techniques learned from practicing yoga can help children with stress management.
■Date&Time いつ:Sunday, October 13th 10:30am -11:20am 10月13日(日ようび)
■Venueどこ:Kakehashi Tsuzuki, Center Minami かけはしつづき @センター南
■Participation Fee お金(かね): ¥500 per child こども1人(ひとり)/ ¥500
■Instructor 教(おし)える人(ひと): Naoko Tate
■Age 年(ねん)れい:Children 4yrs old and up 4歳(さい)以上(いじょう)の子(こ)ども
■Capacity 人数(にんずう):10 children こども10人(にん)
■What to bring もちもの: Towel, water bottle, yoga mat (if you have) タオル、水筒(すいとう)、ヨガマット(あれば)
【Sign-up】Click the link below and book your seat.