Three of the SCC cultural ambassadors from Malaysia, Costa Rica, and Nigeria will read a story in their mother tongue (Chinese, Spanish, and Yoruba ). Children will be able to appreciate the beauty of each language and get to know the different expressions in each culture as well. The facilitator will summarize the story in English and Japanese at the end of each story. We’ll also play games and do some activities that relate to the theme of the storybook. Celebrate the rich cultural diversity together!
【Date&Time いつ】
Sunday, September 24th, 10:30 am-11:30 am
【Venue どこ】
Kakehashi Tsuzuki @ Center Minami
【Participation Fee お金】
¥500 per family 1家族(かぞく)¥500
【Capacity 参加人数(さんかにんずう)】
20 children (above 4 years old)
*This program is funded by Tokyu Kodomo Ouen Program 2023.