2021-04-18 - 2021-04-18
Tsuzuki MY Plaza, 5F Northport mall, Center Kita
11:00 - 11:45


  • Start Date 2021-04-18 11:00
  • End Date: 2021-04-18 11:45
  • Cost: Free
  • Event Category: Storytime, world event


  • Keiko
  • Email info.sccjapan@gmail.com

Enjoy different languages!

You’ll hear a story read in three languages; Japanese, German and Spanish. After the story, we’ll play a game and communicate with the storytellers in each language. This session is for school children. Signup by April 17th.

There are only 15 places available so register as soon as you can!

Register with the form below:



    Tsuzuki MY Plaza