Spring is just around the corner, and it’s the perfect time to enjoy the beautiful cherry blossoms together outside! Let’s have a picnic Ohanami with kids and families.
Date&Time いつ : Sun, March 26th 11am-14pm 日曜日(にちようび)3月26日 11時〜14時
Place どこ: Higashikata Park 東方公園(ひがしかたこうえん)
10 min walk from Tsuzuki Fureai no Oka Station on Yokohama
Municipal Subway Green Line
地下鉄グリーンライン(ちかてつ ぐりいん らいん)
Municipal Subway Green Line
地下鉄グリーンライン(ちかてつ ぐりいん らいん)
Meeting Point 集(あつ)まるところ
Lawn area near the long slide:
Meet at the SCC flag
Meet at the SCC flag
Access 行き方(いきかた)https://japantravel.navitime.com/…/spot/00004-14169900334/
◯Free of Charge お金(かね)はいりません
◯What to Bring 持ち物(もちもの)
Picnic sheet ピクニックシート
Lunch obento おべんとう
Water bottle 水筒(すいとう)
Lunch obento おべんとう
Water bottle 水筒(すいとう)
🌸Rigister Here
For those who want to join the event, please send your name and your child’s age in the email and send it to info.sccjapan@gmail.com