2023-03-26 - 2023-03-26


  • Start Date 2023-03-26
  • End Date: 2023-03-26
  • Cost: ¥0
  • Event Category: Outdoor event, Party


  • Yuki, Akhila
Spring is just around the corner, and it’s the perfect time to enjoy the beautiful cherry blossoms together outside! Let’s have a picnic Ohanami with kids and families.
🌸Date&Time いつ : Sun, March 26th  11am-14pm 日曜日(にちようび)3月26日 11時〜14時
🌸Place どこ: Higashikata Park 東方公園(ひがしかたこうえん)
🚆10 min walk from Tsuzuki Fureai no Oka Station on Yokohama
Municipal Subway Green Line
🚆地下鉄グリーンライン(ちかてつ ぐりいん らいん)
🚩 Meeting Point 集(あつ)まるところ
Lawn area near the long slide:
Meet at the SCC flag
◯Free of Charge お金(かね)はいりません
◯What to Bring 持ち物(もちもの)
Picnic sheet ピクニックシート
Lunch obento おべんとう
Water bottle 水筒(すいとう)
🌸Rigister Here
For those who want to join the event, please send your name and your child’s age in the email and send it to info.sccjapan@gmail.com