We are going to hold First Aid, CPR & AED Sessions to invite a trainer from Red Cross in Kanagawa. It is very difficult to help people/children when you face an emergency. Preparation will make the result much better!! Three sessions from January to March will inform you of basic skills in first aid, CPR, and AED. Sessions will be held in Japanese, but there will be an English translator along with all the sessions!!
***You can join only one session or join all three sessions. The content of each session is different so please check the details below.
***These sessions are only for adults. If you want to bring your children, please let us know in advance.
***These sessions are only for adults. If you want to bring your children, please let us know in advance.
神奈川県赤十字社(かながわけんせきじゅうじしゃ)のトレーナーが救急法(きゅうきゅうほう) とCPR 心臓マッサージ(しんぞうまっさあじ)& AED の使(つか)い方(かた)を教(おし)えてくれます。いざという時(とき)に人(ひと)や子どもを助(たす)けるのはとても大変(たいへん)です。準備(じゅんび)することで、より良(よ)い結果(けっか)が生(う)まれます!1月(がつ)から3月(がつ)にかけて3回(かい)の講習会(こうしゅうかい)をします。応急手当(おうきゅうてあて)、CPR、AEDのことで大切(たいせつ)なことを話(はな)します。日本語(にほんご)で話(はな)しますが、英語(えいご)の通訳(つうやく)あります。
【Date&Time いつ・じかん】
① Sunday, January 29th 9:30am-11:30am
Basic training of CPR and AED
Basic training of CPR and AED
② Sunday, February 19th 9:30 am-11:30 am
Basic training in first aid, CPR, and AED Session (Emergency and life-saving methods especially for infants and babies)
Basic training in first aid, CPR, and AED Session (Emergency and life-saving methods especially for infants and babies)
応急手当、CPR、AED の基礎講習会(特に乳幼児に対する救急・救命法)
③March 5th, First Aid Session 9:30 am-11:30 am
General First Aid Session
General First Aid Session
【Venue どこで】
① Yamauchi Chiku Center 山内地区センター(やまうちちくせんたあ)http://yokohama-shisetsu.com/yama/#map
① Yamauchi Chiku Center 山内地区センター(やまうちちくせんたあ)http://yokohama-shisetsu.com/yama/#map
② Tama plaza Chiki Care Plaza (たまぷらあざちいきけあぷらざ)
③ Azamino Art Forum (Tentative venue. The venue might be changed later.場所(ばしょ)は変(か)わるかもしれません)
【Participation Fee お金(かね)はかかりません】
Free of charge ¥0
Free of charge ¥0
【Capacity 何人なんにんまで?】
10 persons for each session 10人まで参加(さんか)できます
10 persons for each session 10人まで参加(さんか)できます
【Organizers】 Yuki and Keiko
▼▼▼Sign-up 行(い)きたい人(人)は、ここから申(もう)し込(こ)みをしてください▼▼▼