This is a guidance session for parents who will be enrolling their child(ren) in a Japanese elementary school in April 2022. A former elementary school teacher, Keiko will provide basic information on what parents should know about Japanese elementary schools.
– Elementary school daily schedule and yearly schedule
– How to spend the ‘time after school’ and ‘holiday time(vacation care)’? (In the case of Yokohama City)
– Preparations for the elementary school (Items need to be prepared by parents)
– Opportunity for educational consultation
◉Date & Time: Friday. November 12th 10:30am -11:30am
◉Place: Yamauchi Chiku Center
◉Facilitators: Keiko, Risa, Elena
◉Participation Fee: ¥100 (facility charge and handout print cost)
◉Capacity of seats: 10 persons
<How to book> Please email us at
with the name of the participant, age of the child (if you are coming together), and phone number.
Reserve your spot by Nov 11th.
◉日時: 11月12日(金) 10:30am -11:30am
◉会場: 山内地区センター
◉ファシリテーター: ケイコ、リサ、エレナ
◉参加費: ¥100 (会場利用料、資料コピー代)
◉定員: 10 人
11月11日までに、参加者の名前、(子どもといっしょに参加する時は、子どもの年れい)、電話番号を書いて、 まで申し込みください。