Language barriers and cultural differences can be big hurdles when raising children in Japan. If you need translation support in preparing documents specifically related to childcare and schooling, SCC volunteers will help you. You can receive FREE translation support via CONTACT or send DM on Instagram. We can help you:

・Translate documents

・Fill out paperwork such as daycare enrollment application forms


*All personal information and consultation content will be managed by NPO Sharing Caring Culture and kept strictly confidential.


外国(がいこく)から来(き)た人(ひと)が日本(にほん)で 子育(こそだ)て を するとき、日本語(にほんご)が わからない と 困(こま)ります。保育園(ほいくえん)、幼稚園(ようちえん)、学校(がっこう)のことで 翻訳(ほんやく)を して もらいたい とき は、SCCの ボランティア(ぼらんていあ)が 手伝(てつだ)います。

★お金(かね)は  いりません。SCC へ CONTACT を押(お)して 連絡(れんらく)してください。Instagramのメッセージ(めっせえじ)でもいいです。






  • ① Fill out the form by clicking CONTACT or send DM via Instagram.
  • Ask your questions or send us the document you want to be translated.
  • Our member will respond to your request within a week.

Do you want to offer translation support? Share your language skills for good.

Join the SCC community to support the response!
