We are very honored to announce that SCC has become the recipient of the Tokyu Kodomo Ouen Program Grant 2024. On behalf of everyone at Sharing Caring Culture, we show our sincere gratitude for this funding. With this grant, we can develop our intercultural program for children.
To create opportunities for Japanese children and children with foreign roots to experience diverse values, and through activities in which the children themselves engage in issues, not only become aware of cultural differences but also develop a sense of human rights while valuing self-understanding and understanding of others.
We will implement an intercultural education program based on human rights education that goes beyond stereotypical cultural differences.
We look forward to sending you positive reports on our progress!
SCC は「東急こども応援プログラム助成金 2024」を授与されました。シェアリング・ケアリング・カルチャーの一同を代表して、心より感謝申し上げます。この助成金により、私たちは子どもたちのための異文化交流プログラムを発展させることができます。