6月4日にSCCの代表理事と外国人メンバーのアキラとダナは、子育て支援拠点ポポラで横浜市長と対談をしました。 …
Chosen to be a Grant Recipient ! 助成金(じょせいきん)をいただく団体(だんたい)に選(えら)ばれました!
We are honored to announce that SCC has chosen to be a …
Tsuzuki International Friendship: 多様な人たちが都筑のまちとつながり、ともに地域で暮らすことを目指して
Partnership Cases 協働事例: Hello World Cultural Exchange Program
We are excited to announce a partnership with Hello Wor…
Mori-no-o-to Children’s Clothing Reuse Marche 森ノオト(もりのおと) こども服(ふく)リユースマルシェ(りゆうすまるしぇ)
On July 11, SCC became a vendor at the Children's Cloth…
記事掲載(きじけいさい): Jose’s Ecuador dance workshop has featured on Town News Tsuzuki タウンニュース都筑区版に掲載「エクアドルの面でダンス」
We are pleased to announce that Jose's Ecuador dance …
LUSH Father’s Day Charity Pot Campaign with SCC ラッシュジャパン様とSCCのチャリティポット父の日キャンペーンのお知らせ
We are pleased to announce that SCC has received 105,…
Thank you to all our monthly donors for your continuous support! 継続寄付者の皆さま、いつもご支援ありがとうございます!
At the beginning of this new fiscal year, we were asked…
LUSH Mother’s Day Charity Pot Campaign with SCC ラッシュとSCCのチャリティポット母の日キャンペーン
LUSH Joinus Yokohama store and Lumine store (both lo…
Renewal our website and leaflet with a grant from the LUSH Charity Bank / LUSHチャリティバンク助成でSCCホームページとリーフレットをリニューアル
SCC is pleased to announce that we have received a g…
LUSH Mother’s Day Charity Pot Campaign with SCC ラッシュとSCCのチャリティポット母の日キャンペーン
LUSH Joinus Yokohama store and Lumine store (both locat…
「ようこそ スローサーカスの世界へ!」に出展協力しました / Supported SLOW CIRCUS at Queens Circle @ Minato Mirai
On March 19, SLOW LABEL performed a new circus show "We…
We are excited to announce that Tokyu Corporation recen…
Partnership Cases 協働事例: Presentation of OYACO project 子育て情報冊子プロジェクト
The representative director of SCC had a presentation a…
Season’s Greetings お正月(しょうがつ)のあいさつ
As 2022 comes to a close, the Sharing Caring Culture te…
Partnership Cases 協働事例:Parenting in Japan Guest Speech at Toyo University 日本での子育て 東洋大学でのゲストスピーチ
SCC has been cooperating with Toyo University (Departme…