Award Announcement :受賞(じゅしょう)のお知(し)らせ

We would like to take this opportunity to express our heartfelt gratitude for your unwavering support. NPO Sharing Caring Culture has received the “Kodomo-Manaka Award for Creating the Future” from the Children and Families Agency for our dedication to encouraging activities for children and youth.
Your encouragement and dedication have been essential to our achievements.This award stands as a powerful testament to our efforts and reflects the strong community we have built together. It reminds us that our collective cooperation can lead to extraordinary outcomes.
We will continue to create a multicultural and multilingual community that is inclusive of people from different cultural backgrounds.Thank you once again for your support.

この場をお借りして、皆さまの揺るぎないご支援に心より感謝申し上げます。NPO法人シェアリング・ケアリング・カルチャーは、子どもたちや青少年のための活動を奨励する私たちの献身的な活動が評価され、こども家庭庁より「未来をつくる こどもまんなかアワード」を受賞いたしました。