2021-04-18 - 2021-04-18
Tsuzuki MY Plaza, 5F Northport mall, Center Kita
10:00 - 10:45


  • Start Date 2021-04-18 10:00
  • End Date: 2021-04-18 10:45
  • Cost: Free
  • Event Category: Storytime, world event


  • Keiko
  • Email info.sccjapan@gmail.com

Enjoy different languages!

You’ll hear a story read in three languages; Japanese, German and Spanish. After the story, we’ll play a game and communicate with the storytellers in each language.

Signup by April 17th. There are only 6 places left so register as soon as you can!

This session is for children aged 4-6 years. If your child is nervous about joining alone, you can join with them.(up to 1 parent per child)
There’s a session for older children too: https://sharingcaringculture.org/archives/event/multilingual-story-time-in-center-kita-older-kids

Register with the form below:


    Tsuzuki MY Plaza