Come join our multicultural playgroup where kids can ha…
Creative Mondays Playgroup with Mama Rhythm Papa Rhythm maリズムぱぱリズムといっしょにあそぼう
Join us for an inspiring collaborative session with Mam…
Fire station visit with kids こどもと消防署(しょうぼうしょ)見学(けんがく)
We will visit the Tsuzuki Fire Station, where the staff…
Ohanami (Cherry-blossom viewing)Event お花見(はなみ)イベント
Let's gather for a lovely lunch amidst the beautiful ch…
【Canceled 中止(ちゅうし)】Playdate at Yamauchi Library 図書館(としょかん)へ行(い)ってみよう!
We can have a wonderful time reading picture books and …
OYACO Outdoor Play Date おやこで水(みず)あそび
It's time to splash around with water! Kids will have a…
OYACO play group Park Play Day! おやこ交流会 公園であそぼう!
Spring is the perfect season to spend time outdoors at …
Outdoor Playdate 春の公園であそぼう!
Tuesday, Apr 4th @Utsukushigaoka Park, Tamaplaza Outd…
OYACO playgroup おやこ交流会(こうりゅうかい)
OYACO playgroup おやこ交流会(こうりゅうかい) Monday, May 15th @K…
OYACO playgroup PARK PLAY おやこで公園(こうえん)で遊(あそ)ぼう!
We will enjoy walking and finding natural objects like …
OYACO playgroup おやこ交流会(こうりゅうかい)What is Setsubun? 節分せつぶんってなに?
We will enjoy a panel theater about Setubun which is a …
OYACO playgroup おやこ交流会
What is Japan's Respect for the Aged day(Keiro-no-hi)? …
OYACO playgroup session おやこ交流会こうりゅうかい
OYACO playgroup session おやこ交流会 Come and join us for a f…
OYACO Playgroup おやこ 交流会 – What is Tanabata? たなばたってなぁに?
Do you know Tanabata or the star festival that is celeb…
Upcoming local event: 子どもイベント NPO Children Support Network こども応援ネットワーク 20th Anniversary Celebration
*やさしい日本語(にほんご)の案内(あんない)は、下(した)をみてください。 To commemorate t…
OYACO playgroup MAY session おやこ交流会 5月
Join us in a big room with lots of toys to do some acti…
Spring Picnic in Shiki-no-Mori park
Let’s enjoy the wonderful outdoors together in the glor…
OYACO playgroup おやこ交流会 Park Play Date 春の公園であそぼう
Spring is the perfect season to spend time outdoors at …
OYACO playgroup session- Spring is here!
Spring has finally arrived! Join us in a big room with …
OYACO playgroup session おやこ交流会
Spring has come! We will do a spring session with the t…