Partnership Cases: Cooperation in the project of Tsuzuki My Plaza / 協働事例 @ 都筑マイプラザのプロジェクトへの協力

On August 5th, our international members from England, India, Japan, and Malaysia supported the International Friendship Festival planned and implemented by the Jr. and Highschool volunteer students.

We have attended the meeting since this May and helped with volunteer students’ project planning. Through a couple of months of the event planning process, we saw the students’ motivational change and were impressed that they all engaged a lot to make the event successful.

We are happy to see that so many children and parents came out to join various activities such as programming in English, multilingual storytime, traditional Japanese games, and crafts of the world.

Some students came up with the idea of making a cooking recipe booklet and asked us to provide some home cooking recipes from around the world. So we have shared some recipes from our cooking events in the past. The completed booklet was beautiful and more than we expected!


