Haunted House – Create & Pretend Play つくって あそぼう おばけやしき

It was a hot and humid day, but 24 adults and children enjoyed building a ghost house in a cool room.
First, we played a World Ghost Quiz with the children, finding that ghost images vary from country to country. The ghosts ranged from the Japanese “Kuchisake-onna” to Medusa, Frankenstein, a werewolf, and the Chinese version of Dracula, the “Kyonshi”!

Our Chinese-Malaysian member said, “If you meet a Kyonshi, you better not breathe. If they notice you are a living person, they will jump on you, so you have to hold your breath and put a mark on it! Some children listened intently. Then children were then divided into two groups – children from 0 to 3 years old and children from 4 years old and up – and made a haunted house according to their age group. Our members prepared activities that even the youngest children could do, and the little ones decorated the house by stuffing plastic gloves with crumpled flower paper. The old children made a maze out of cardboard to create a path for the haunted house to follow.

Finally, after turning off the lights and shining them with flashlights, one participant’s father played music from his mobile phone on the spot. Some children rubbed balloons to make sounds! How amazing that the children used their creativity to make it even more spooky! The balloons burst in the middle of the event, which added to the fright and the little ones started to cry, but I hope it was a memorable experience. Have a happy summer vacation!

We are delighted to share this report written by the Tokyu Kodomo Ouen Program grant admins. Please have a look!








東急(とうきゅう)子(こ)ども応援(おうえん)プログラムの事務局(じむきょく)スタッフが おばけやしきづくりの イベントを見(み)に来(き)てくれました。レポートを読(よ)んでください!


See video 動画はこちら: