代表理事の三坂による学習会@座間市のご報告/Lecture in Zama by Representative Director Keiko Misaka

その後、参加した人たちでグループになって、感想を話し合い、グループで話したことを最後に発表してもらいました。日本人と国際結婚した中国人の参加者は、SCCが開催した子育て座談会のような場所で、他の家族といっしょに困っていることを話すことができるといいと話していました。座間子育て応援プロジェクト! の皆さま、どうもありがとうございました。

On July 11th, Representative Director Keiko Misaka gave a lecture to a study group in Zama on how to promote an intercultural society.
Staff from Zama City’s parenting support groups, international exchange organizations, Zama City Volunteer Center, and Ayase City Civic Activity Promotion Division participated.
Keiko talked about the following:
– Why did I start SCC?
– What do we do?
– What I learned by working with members from diverse cultural backgrounds
After the speech, the participants formed a group and shared their thoughts. And they made a presentation on what they had discussed in the group. One participant from China who married a Japanese said it would be nice to have a parenting roundtable talk like SCC where families could share concerns with other families.
Thank you very much, Zama Child Care Support Project for organizing this!