Renewal our website and leaflet with a grant from the LUSH Charity Bank / LUSHチャリティバンク助成でSCCホームページとリーフレットをリニューアル

   SCC is pleased to announce that we have received a grant from the LUSH Charity Bank to renew our website and leaflet this year.
Following LUSH Japan regulations, we were looking for a printing company to print our leaflet in an environmentally friendly way and were fortunate enough to work with Ohkawa Printing Co.  It is a social and environmental printing company in Yokohama involved in CSR and CSV activities that aims to contribute to society through printing.  What makes the company exceptional is its features including 100% renewable energy and zero-carbon printing, with consideration for ink, paper, and the environment.  We express our deepest gratitude to the company for the excellent leaflet, from design to printing.
The leaflet is available at the LUSH Joinus Yokohama store and Lumine store during our Mother’s Day charity campaign from May 10th to May 15th.
