英語(えいご)でこどもヨガをしました!Kids Yoga in English!
7月(がつ) 14日(にち)にはじめてこども向(む)けのヨガを英語(えいご)でしました。 6歳(さい)から9歳…
NPO General Meeting Held / NPO総会(そうかい)を開(ひら)きました
Zumba Meetup May19th,2024 ズンバを踊ろう
Zumba Group ズンバの会
Best Place for Weekend Break 週末(しゅうまつ)に家族(かぞく)で行(い)くといい場所(ばしょ): Ikuta Ryokuchi 生田緑地(いくたりょくち)
OYACO playgroup January session: 1月(がつ)のおやこ交流会(こうりゅうかい)
Multilingual Storytime and Pantomime Show 多言語おはなし会とピエロのパントマイム
Thank you so much for joining our Multilingual Storytim…
Happy Halloween! 🎃👻🐈⬛ハッピーハロウィン !🎃👻🐈⬛
We had a fun-filled scream-free Halloween event at Tsuz…
OYACO playgroup Halloween おやこ・プレイグループ ハロウィン
We had our monthly OYACO playgroup session with a theme…
Happy Easter Day Event on April 9th
"Where are the eggs?" without a doubt, it was the quest…
OYACO Playgroup session report from Jan 24
We did ☆Panel theater (Quiz) ぱねるしあたあ(くいず) ☆Sing a song”…
Partnership Cases: Collaboration of Circolo Gallery Talk 協働事例: チルコロギャラリートーク
On August 31st, we co-hosted Circolo Gallery Talk with …
Partnership Cases: Cooperation in the project of Athome After School 協働事例 @ 認定NPO法人あっとほーむのプロジェクトへの協力
On August 25th, our international members from India, M…
Partnership cases:Circolo Gallery Talk-Pakistan Hospitality 協働事例:チルコロギャラリートーク- パキスタンのおもてなし
On Tuesday, July 26th, we had a Circolo Gallery Talk se…
代表理事の三坂による学習会@座間市のご報告/Lecture in Zama by Representative Director Keiko Misaka
Crafty Me session report from July 13
On Wednesday, July 13th, we had our Crafty Me club acti…
OYACO Playgroup session report from July 7
Thank you all who joined our Oyaco Playgroup session on…
Partnership Cases :Pakistani cooking with Nakamachidai Chiku Center 仲町台地区センターとの協業:親子で楽しむパキスタン料理
SCC co-hosted a hands-on Family cooking Event at Nakama…
Enoshima Adventure Day report from June 25
On the 25th of June, a hot and sunny Saturday, 16 famil…